Welcome to Reno Remnant Church

Connecting People through Faith and Beliefs

Reno Remnant Church is a welcoming and inclusive faith community located in the heart of Reno, Nevada. We believe in the power of faith and its ability to transform lives. Our mission is to connect people through a shared belief in God and foster a strong sense of community.

Our Beliefs

At Reno Remnant Church, we are guided by the principles and teachings of the Bible. We believe in the existence of a loving and all-powerful Creator who is actively involved in our lives.

Our faith is centered around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. We believe in the power of prayer and its ability to bring about healing and transformation. We also embrace the Holy Spirit as a guiding presence in our lives, providing comfort, wisdom, and spiritual gifts.

Our community values forgiveness, love, and compassion towards others. We strive to live out these values in our daily lives and extend grace to those around us. We believe that through faith and fellowship, we can make a positive impact on our local community and the world.

Our Services

Join us for our weekly worship services where we gather as a community to express our love and devotion to God. Our services blend traditional and contemporary elements, creating an atmosphere that is both reverent and engaging.

Each service features inspirational sermons that explore the teachings of the Bible and how they apply to our lives today. Our pastors are passionate about sharing the timeless truths of Scripture in a way that is relevant and practical.

In addition to our regular services, we offer a variety of programs and ministries for people of all ages. From Sunday School classes to small group studies, there are opportunities for personal growth, fellowship, and service.

Get Involved

We invite you to become part of the Reno Remnant Church community. Whether you are new to the area or searching for a deeper connection with God, we welcome you with open arms.

Attend one of our upcoming events, join a small group, or volunteer your time and talents. Our church family is committed to supporting one another on our spiritual journeys and making a difference in the lives of those in need.

Explore our website to learn more about our beliefs, ministries, and upcoming events. If you have any questions or would like to connect with a member of our pastoral staff, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Contact Us

Thank you for visiting Reno Remnant Church's website. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. We would love to hear from you!

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (555) 123-4567

Address: 123 Main Street, Reno, Nevada


Summerlin Church LV - Reno Remnant Church

Jul 30, 2021

Welcome to Summerlin Church LV, a community and society website focused on faith and beliefs. Discover our strong and vibrant faith community, dedicated to spreading the message of love, compassion, and hope. Join us in worship, fellowship, and outreach activities that inspire and uplift. Find peace, solace, and spiritual connection with Reno Remnant Church.

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180 YOUTH - The Potter's House Website

Jan 14, 2019

Welcome to 180 YOUTH - The Potter's House Website, a vibrant community of young individuals dedicated to strengthening their faith and beliefs. Join us for inspiring events, engaging activities, and impactful group discussions. Explore the Reno Remnant Church's youth program and discover the power of unity and spirituality.

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